Term 4 Newsletter 27 October 2022

World Teacher's Day 28 October
One of the many events or significant occasions occurring this term is the annual World Teachers Day. This year’s theme, “Teaching through every moment” is a particularly poignant one. As I reflect, recently being on my 65th school camp……there is a reason why my hair is grey and beginning to disappear.
Life on camp is one of the various ways teaching occurs through moments. Reflecting on last week, the list of teachable moments is endless. After witnessing the students overcoming their fear of heights whist daggling above the ground, the students quickly realised that fear turned into amazing fun and extreme enjoyment!
They have taught each other the importance of teamwork whilst navigating a dragon boat and kayak on the Maroochydore River. The students have gained valuable knowledge of the water ecosystem and aquatic environment. They know the importance of listening and being organised and the disadvantages of not being so attentive to detail. Some over the course of two dinners have even learnt to sit at a table to eat and discovered how a knife and fork can be used effectively.
When I look back over my career and schooling, it is those teachers who make the most of each moment who leave the best impression. They too are the ones who also stop and take time to really get to know kids and not just the ones in their class.
I would like to say my personal thank you to the teachers who give of their time and who make the most of teachable moments. Thank you for trying another angle to explain how something works. Thank you for volunteering to take a small group who may find a particular concept challenging. Thank you answering the thousands of questions. Thank you for extending the classroom beyond the four walls of the classroom. Thank you to all staff and volunteers. I have witnessed many of you teach…you may not have been intentional but through the giving of your time and genuine desire to see students succeed, you too have made a difference.
World Teachers Day is on the 28th October, which is tomorrow. In the busyness of life we sometimes let occasions such as this slip by without saying anything. In the lead up to the day, I hope our teachers feel the greatness of teaching and receive the due recognition they deserve. A simple thank you is such a powerful gift.

Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal
During Term 4, Vinnies begins its annual Christmas Appeal, seeking donations and funds to help support people during the festive season. It is estimated that there are over 750,000 children across Australia living in poverty with many families and individuals feeling socially isolated. The Christmas Appeal aims to support families and individuals who are struggling by helping to pay bills, provide food, clothing, hampers and presents during the festive season.
During Term 4 we invite you to participate in the Christmas Appeal by donating goods or gifts to add to hampers which will be given to families and individuals in our local community. This could consist of Long Life Milk; Milo; Jelly; Long Life Juice; Christmas Cake; Pancake Mix; Cordial; Lollies; Rice; Cereal; Fruit Mince Pies; Biscuits-Sweet and Savoury; Tinned Vegetables; Pasta; Pasta Sauce; Spreads - Jam, Vegemite; Gravy Mix; Soup etc

Parent Engagement Network (the new P&F)
Last week I mentioned that our P&F will merge into the new model called the Parent Engagement Network (PEN). St Francis will be moving to this new model next year. An AGM will be scheduled for the beginning of next year and I urge all those interested in an Executive role, to attend this meeting.
If you require any information about the PEN please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Prep and School Enrolments for 2023
Prep interviews for 2023 are underway. Our numbers are steady coming in, so if you know of any interested families who have Prep aged children, please inform them to send in their applications in as soon as possible so they do not miss out on the chance to attend St Francis. I appreciate your diligence in assisting the school.
Upcoming Dates
Term 4 Dates (please refer to our online calendar for our most up to date list of events for the year) https://sfdssclifton.schoolzineplus.com/calendar
Week 4
- Thursday 27 Oct – Day for Daniel – Wearing Red
- Friday 28 Oct – St Francis Speech Competition 2:00pm
Week 5
- Thursday 3 Nov – Prep 2023 Transition Two
- Friday 4 Nov – Selected Students for Back Plains Speech Competition
Week 6
- Thursday 10 Nov – Prep 2023 Transition Three
- Friday 11 Nov – Remembrance Day Liturgy 2.30pm
Week 7
- Monday – Wednesday 14 -16 Nov – Swimming Block (9am to 12pm) – more information to come
- Friday 18 Nov – Swimming Block (9am to 12pm) – more information to come
Week 8
- Monday 21 Nov – Swimming Block (9am to 12pm) – more information to come
- Wednesday 23 Nov – Swimming Carnival – Prep to Year 6
- Friday 25 Nov – Awards Night and Carols – beginning at 5:30pm – MPC / Oval
Week 9
- Wednesday 30 Nov – Graduation Liturgy 5:30pm – Church
- Thursday 1 Dec – End of Year Mass – 9:30am – Church
- Friday 2 Dec – Last Day of School
God bless and thanks for reading…

The jacaranda trees are flowering and as teachers this means that the school year is beginning to wrap up. Our report cards will be accessible through the parent portal in Week 9 of this term. Please remember that if you would like to meet with your child/ren’s teachers before the report card is sent out, please email to make an appointment.
Our teachers assess your children against the Australian Curriculum. Sometimes we are asked how marks are allocated:
- ‘C’ mark, means that your child has reached the expected achievement for this subject. This is something to be celebrated with your child as it means within that subject, your child is overall achieving the expected standard.
- ‘B’ means your child is applying their skills and knowledge in learning activities. This may be; e.g. explaining, interpreting or problem solving.
- An ‘A’ means your child consistently applies their knowledge and understandings in new learning activities.

Prep/Year 1
This fortnight, in religion, students have been learning about the story of Mary, Mother of Jesus. They have listened to stories and explored the start of Matthew’s and Luke’s gospel that help to tell the story of Mary. Students explored images and information about the world at the time of Jesus. They were introduced to the special prayer that remembers Mary – the “Hail Mary.”
In English, students listened and responded to the story, The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini. Students expressed their ideas on what they thought would make a perfect classroom pet. During shared writing, we wrote a persuasive letter, drew pictures, and listed reasons why Mr Red should allow Prep/One to have a classroom pet. We will present our letter, drawings, and reasons to Mr Red next week. We eagerly wait for his response!
In Maths, students have used hands on materials to model the sharing of objects. They have reflected on this learning by drawing pictures and writing sentences that show their understanding of a fair share. Capacity is another concept students have been learning about. Prep students have enjoyed filling and emptying containers to identify the container that holds the most and the container that holds the least. Year One students have measured and compared the capacity of containers and discovered the importance of measuring accurately.
YEAR 2/3

Year 2/3 Term 4 Wk4
This year our whole school learning goal has been writing. This term we have been completing several writing tasks. Each student has researched an Australian animal, written and published an information report, acrostic, cinquain and haiku poem. All in just four weeks! Please feel free to pop into the classroom and see our work on display. Our writing is accompanied by Bronwyn Bancroft inspired artworks. Bronwyn Bancroft is a First Nations' woman from Tenterfield, New South Wales.
During HASS lessons we have been learning about the importance of Country/Place to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples who belong to a local area. Bronwyn Bancroft's text "Remembering Lionsville" is a moving account of her connection to place. We've used our senses to consider what her Place would look like, sound like and feel like. We then created a timeline to record events in the history of the Place described in the text.
In year 2/3 students are learning about how different cultures celebrate everyday events and special occasions.

Year 4/5/6 News

Year 4/5/6
The campers have returned! As a teacher, it is always a privilege to take students on camp. The students are placed outside their comfort zones, which allows them to try new things and develop resilience, determination, and persistence as well as a whole host of other traits. It is wonderful that as their teachers, we could see them in a different light and learn more about your wonderful children. I hope you enjoyed all the camp stories you heard at home. A big thank you to the Year 4 students for demonstrating leadership at school while the 5s and 6s were at camp. They completed schoolwork and jobs responsibly and worked well for Mrs Lewis and Mrs Skillington.
This week, we have been working on poetry. Poetry can be difficult for students to grasp as it can be quite abstract. We have learnt about the different forms of poetry and its common features. Stay tunned for some creativity! In focused learning, we have learnt about semicolons this week and how they can make your writing sound more interesting. The students have enjoyed demonstrating their knowledge of sentence structure and using WOW words when completing quick writes.
Congratulations to the students who have progressed through to the whole school competition for the Back Plains Speaking Competition on Friday 28 October at 2pm in the MPC.
Year 4 – Katherine James, Jackson Kuhn,
Year 5 – Eve Skillington, Michael Willett
Year 6 – Caitlyn Kuhn, Nate Murdoch
I was very impressed with the 4/5/6 presentations.
In the year 4/5/6-unit students are engaging in research about Australian life since federation, including the right to vote, immigration, woman’s rights, and the First Nations People, this week we are learning and gaining an insight about immigration and asylum seekers with an ABC TV interview with author/ painter and actor Anh Do.
In Science we are continuing Creators and Destroyers unit which includes researching and describing our opinions to the responses of emergency workers and volunteers when volcanoes erupt.

PE News
In PE this term students are continuing to learn the rules and procedures relating to cricket. The program gives students a lot of variety to practice the basics of cricket such as running between wickets, throwing at the stumps as well as batting bowling and catching.
Uniform Shop Co-Ordinator: Kylie Hay
Contact Details: kurlz@live.com.au or 0487 582 107
Uniform Shop Days: MOST Thursdays & Fridays
If you would like uniforms, please fill in the updated Invoice Sheet and email or text Kylie to either arrange a time to meet or for the order to be sent home with your child. If you have an old invoice copy, please bin it and replace with our updated one. This can be found on the Facebook Page or request one from me directly.
- We now have EFTPOS available in the Uniform Shop at the time of collection
- We have some good quality second hand winter uniforms and also summer uniforms available for $5 per item if you’re looking for an extra jumper, shirt, shorts etc. Please note that only limited sizes and items are available but you are welcome to request second hand if available.
- We are no longer stocking the following items however we still have limited stock available for a discounted price if you would still like to purchase them.
- Green Fleece Vest $10
- Sizes 4,6,8,12 & 14 available
- Long Sleeve Boys Polo Shirts $15
- Sizes 4,10,12,14 & Small available
- Girls Green Long Formal Pants $10
- All sizes except 10 available
- Girls Green Long Sports Pants $15
- Sizes 4,6,8,10 & 16 available
- Green Fleece Vest $10
If you urgently require uniforms on a day other than Thursday or Friday, please let me know and I can arrange this with the staff at St Francis De Sales. Please note I do work and will get back to as soon as I possibly can.

Feeling Safe- All students have a right to feel safe and be safe.
If you are concerned about any form of abuse that is immediate, you should call 000. A significant risk or harm to a student, whether or not you have formed this belief on reasonable ground, should immediately be raised with one of our Student Protection Contacts.

School Fees:
We do recommend the setting-up of a direct debit facility to pay regular amounts into the school account. This alleviates overdue bills.
SCHOOL Bank Details
BSB: 064786
A/C: 100023789
Reminder: All P&F payments & Uniform payments are paid to a different bank account NOT the school account.
P&F Bank Details
BSB: 084610
A/C: 508684159